Dr Steven Hulme Didcot Chiropractor

Author name: Dr Hulme


6 HUGE Health Benefits of NOT Snacking!

Snacking habits can significantly influence our health. From long-term implications like an elevated risk of diabetes and various diseases that can ultimately lead to mortality, to short-term consequences such as energy fluctuations and a lack of motivation.  I’ll explore the topic of snacking and provide six compelling reasons to consider reducing your snacking frequency. Stick

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Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The incredible health benefits of Chiropractic care for treating pain are well known. From back and neck pain to headaches and shoulder pain, Chiropractic has great success in the vast majority of cases, as in Neil Paige’s (2017) study on back pain and Gert Bronfort’s (2012) study on neck pain. The results of the studies corroborate with numerous stories from

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