Frozen Shoulder


Frozen shoulder (also called adhesive capsulitis) is most common in middle age woman but can affect men and those younger too. This condition occurs when the glenohumeral joint (main shoulder joint) becomes painful, stiff and restricted due to the development of inflammation and scarring of the shoulder capsule. The pain is commonly worse at night and makes every day activities very difficult. This condition generally has 3 stages:

Frozen Shoulder

In this video I go through one of the best mobility exercises for a quicker recovery. 

The 3 Stages

1. Freezing Stage – this is the most painful stage and when the movement of the shoulder begins to become more limited. This can last between 2-9 months

2. Frozen Stage – this is when the pain starts to reduce but the limitations in the shoulder increase. This can last between 4-12 months

3. Thawing Stage – This is when the movement within the shoulder starts to return. This stage may last 5-12 months. 

These stages can be significantly reduced with the right treatment and regular exercises. The quicker treatment is started, the better the results tend to be. 

How Long Does Frozen Shoulder Last?

Frozen shoulder may last anywhere between 1-3 years however the good news it is self limiting in the vast majority of cases. This means that even without treatment there’s a good chance it will resolve by itself. However we find that with treatment, we can significantly reduce how long it takes to recover as well as reducing the chances of any limitations of the shoulder still existing after the condition takes it course. 

How Can A Chiropractor Help With Frozen Shoulder?

Although frozen shoulders have a somewhat unknown cause, they are more common after trauma and shoulder dysfunction. This means if the mechanics of your shoulder aren’t working correctly, this can make you more likely to develop this condition as well as make it harder to recover from. A Chiropractor is highly trained to diagnose and treat this type of condition with very good results. 

If you would to get a quicker recovery and ensure less issues after the condition has run it’s course, then please do get in contact and we’ll be happy to help.


See what people have said about their success with Dr Hulme who have had similar problems.