Gonstead Chiropractor: What Makes Us Unique?

Gonstead Chiropractic is a technique/ system within Chiropractic created by a Chiropractor in the mid to late 1900s called Clarence Gonstead. He took on the foundations and principles already set within the profession and developed a very specific way of adjusting the spine. It’s this specificity and precision that Gonstead Chiropractors use that makes this technique so powerful. 

The Complexity of The Spine

The spine is a delicate and yet vital area of the body with almost every area relying on it’s proper function mechanically as well as neurologically. There are over 100 joints within the spine alone with tons of muscles and ligaments supporting this magnificent structure.

Life, unfortunately, is filled with mild to severe traumas which can range from large injuries such as slips, falls, car accidents etc, to small injuries that over time can cause large problems such as poor posture and repetitive type of injuries.

The combination of the vast complexities of our spines and the traumas from everyday life gives lots of opportunities for spinal dysfunctions. This dysfunction is sometimes referred to by some Chiropractors as subluxations. This word “subluxation” comes from the medical word “sublux” meaning partial dislocation, which is close to what can happen with the joints of your spine. When this occurs, this results in a loss of motion within that segment of the spine. Whenever you get a loss of motion within one segment, this will distort the way in which the spine starts to move and thus causing injury to certain areas of the spine.

Specificity Therefore Matters!

Chiropractors are thus trained to identify these areas of the spine that are dysfunctional or subluxed, find out the exact position in which it has subluxed and then using a very specific adjustment, make a correction that encourages that joint to return to it’s original position. To accurately identify the problem, Gonstead Chiropractors use a 5 step process which includes observation, static palpation, motion palpation, instrumentation and x rays. You can read more about this process here.

How does this differ from regular Chiropractors? Well the Gonstead system takes the specificity of how we assess and adjust the spine to the next level. Due to this specificity, this type of technique takes a lot of practice and time to master which is one of the reasons why it’s not widely practiced by Chiropractors.

If you are struggling with an issue, perhaps you’ve not had results with previous Chiropractic care, please do get in touch as there’s a good chance we can help.

The power of this technique was very well documented by a Chiropractor in Australia. Give it a watch below: